Weight Loss Surgery Experts

The Uk’s Leading Collaboration of Bariatric Surgery Experts and Surgeons

Welcome to Weight Loss Surgeons

A group of us weight loss surgeons got together and decided to create this website and the related weight loss news feed. We did so because we wanted to fill what we believe to be a significant knowledge gap for people contemplating surgery. We have also heard from people that they would like more direct access to the surgeons. Read more about the surgeons in this group here.

If you want scientifically reliable and up to date information about weight loss surgery you are in the right place. You are likely to be in that period when you are gathering information about the procedures themselves, and weighing the pros and cons of each. We aim to provide you with reliable data that will help you decide whether surgery is something that could improve your health and quality of life.

How Does Weight Loss Surgeons Work?

On our website, you can read about your eligibility for surgery (NHS and private), about the different procedures and you can contact a local weight loss surgeon.

There is also a newsfeed where you will find the latest news about weight loss surgery. You’ll find recent published data and posts from the surgeons including lots of the facts we think you need to know about weight loss surgery. There is a lot to consider and our intention is to give you all the information you need to make the best possible decision for you.

If you need more information or you are ready to book a surgeon consultation please contact us using the link below.